Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Flash Flood Watch

Above, the deck yesterday morning. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A few minutes ago, I took a gander at today's forecast at the National Weather Service website. Jamestown, New Mexico and the whole region around it are under a Flash Flood Watch. 

Well, we definitely can use the water.

They posted:

Flash Flood Watch

Flood Watch
National Weather Service Albuquerque NM
306 AM MDT Wed Jul 14 2021

Northwest Plateau-Chuska Mountains-Far Northwest Highlands-
Northwest Highlands-West Central Plateau-West Central Mountains-
West Central Highlands-Southwest Mountains-San Francisco River
Valley-Tusas Mountains Including Chama-Jemez Mountains-Glorieta
Mesa Including Glorieta Pass-Northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains-
Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains-East Slopes Sangre de Cristo
Mountains-Upper Rio Grande Valley-Espanola Valley-Santa Fe Metro
Area-Middle Rio Grande Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area-Johnson and
Bartlett Mesas Including Raton Pass-Far Northeast Highlands-San
Agustin Plains and Adjacent Lowlands-
306 AM MDT Wed Jul 14 2021


The National Weather Service in Albuquerque has issued a

* Flash Flood Watch for portions of central, north central,
  northeast, northwest, and west central New Mexico, including the
  following areas, in central New Mexico, Middle Rio Grande
  Valley/Albuquerque Metro Area and San Agustin Plains and Adjacent
  Lowlands. In north central New Mexico, East Slopes Sangre de
  Cristo Mountains, Espanola Valley, Far Northwest Highlands,
  Glorieta Mesa Including Glorieta Pass, Jemez Mountains, Northern
  Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Northwest Highlands, Santa Fe Metro
  Area, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Tusas Mountains
  Including Chama and Upper Rio Grande Valley. In northeast New
  Mexico, Far Northeast Highlands and Johnson and Bartlett Mesas
  Including Raton Pass. In northwest New Mexico, Chuska Mountains
  and Northwest Plateau. In west central New Mexico, San Francisco
  River Valley, Southwest Mountains, West Central Highlands, West
  Central Mountains and West Central Plateau.

* From Noon MDT today through late tonight.

* A disturbance aloft will approach northern New Mexico today,
  bringing abundant moisture and instability that will lead to
  scattered to numerous thunderstorms. Many thunderstorms will be
  capable of producing heavy to torrential rainfall with localized
  areas receiving in excess of 2 inches under the strongest storms.
  Areas that have recently received heavy rainfall are likely to
  have saturated soils and will be susceptible to abrupt runoff and
  flash flooding. In addition, burn scars from recent wildfires will
  also be vulnerable to flash flooding.


You should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action
should Flash Flood Warnings be issued.

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