Monday, July 5, 2021

Inside Six Mile Canyon Today

Above, at the Six Mile Canyon windmill and tanks. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

For the past several weeks, Six Mile Canyon Road has been undergoing construction work on the culverts on the road that go under Interstate 40 and adding several cattle guards. Since this has been going on, I haven't been able to go into Six Mile Canyon of the Cibola National Forest.

Today, there were no work crews or heavy equipment to contend with. So, I took a drive into the canyon to the windmill.

The recent rains, although meager, have helped the canyon get a little greener than it had been. We can use a lot more (in fact, as I am writing this, storm clouds are coming into the area). 

There were several campers and trailers inside the canyon of people enjoying the Independence Day weekend. 

It was nice getting out to drive in Six Mile Canyon today.

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