Saturday, July 10, 2021

New Mexico Governor Has ANOTHER Man Accusing Her of Grabbing His Crotch

Above, the hypocrite New Mexico governor.

If New Mexico Gov. "Malevolent Michelle" Lujan Grisham were a Republican instead of being a Democrat, she would be long gone into the "ash heap of history."

Another man has come forth with an allegation that Lujan Grisham's "sticky fingers" grabbed his crotch years before the incident she recently paid a settlement on.

According to National File:

New Mexico Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has a history of being accused of grabbing men’s crotches. Lujan Grisham’s campaign infamously paid a $62,500 settlement to her former campaign staffer James Hallinan after Hallinan accused the governor of grabbing his crotch after pouring water on it in a professional setting.

Lujan Grisham denied the claim but said that she settled because she was focused on the “pandemic.” Now, NATIONAL FILE has unearthed video evidence of another allegation from years ago accusing Lujan Grisham of similar behavior.

A man named Eddie Dehart stated in a video (presented below) that he felt Lujuan Grisham was a “hypocrite” for speaking out in defense of Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser. Dehart told his story, stating, “In 2005, we have a party at my girlfriend’s house. It was an artisan party to showcase some art in Santa Fe and help the artists out to sell their products…During the game, it was Michelle’s shot. And she walked around the pool table, and walked by me. When she walked by me she grabbed my crotch.” He said that Lujan Grisham exclaimed to his girlfriend that “you have a man here.” 

Grishy the Groper strikes again? 


To read more, go here

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