Friday, July 9, 2021

Roswell "Balloon" Cover-Up Starts 74 Years Ago

Above, the July 9, 1947 front page of the Roswell Daily Record. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yesterday was the 74th anniversary of the famous Roswell flying saucer front page of the Roswell Daily Record.

Today, marks the 74th anniversary for the "correction" edition of the Roswell Daily Record. It was this issue of the Roswell, New Mexico newspaper that first told the public that the alleged flying saucer was actually a "weather balloon".

So, it was on July 9, 1947 that the alleged cover-up by the U.S. government began. 

I do find it hard to believe that anyone, even back then, cannot tell the difference between an other-worldly flying saucer and a weather balloon. But there you go. 

Of course, our government would never engage in a cover-up, would they?

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