Monday, July 26, 2021

Today's Hour-Long Deluge

Above, water from the drainage ditch washed out more of Barking Spider Road. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We weren't expected to have much in the way of thunderstorms today, at least according to earlier forecasts. 

Now it is at 50% chance of monsoon rainstorms, according to the National Weather Service.

Above, the drainage ditch at the road in front of my property. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Well, for about an hour this afternoon, a thunderstorm cell came over Jamestown, New Mexico and dumped about (I'm guessing) 1" to 2" of rain. 

It came down hard for about an hour and after it was done, I walked to Barking Spider Acre and saw that it caused more washout of Barking Spider Road. I definitely have to fix it (probably around the end of August when the storms start tapering off) with more gravel. 

Above, the drainage at Barking Spider Acre. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The ground was pretty dry two weeks ago. Now it is saturated with the rain we've been getting.

Although the repairs to Barking Spider Road will cost me a few hundred, I am not complaining. We really did need the water. 

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