Saturday, August 14, 2021

Before Buying, Go To An RV Show First

Above, RVs on display at the California RV Show in Pomona. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

In the market to buy an RV? What is the best way to compare RV brands and to check out different RV dealership?

The answer is simple: Go to an RV show first!

This is a topic in RVTravel and it is one that everyone who is considering buying an RV should do.

They begin with:

RV shows, like boat shows, are intended to introduce new model year RVs and help disseminate RV-related information to the consumer. These shows are typically scheduled during the slower time of the year, the winter months (though they do occur year-round), to help jump-start the RV dealer’s selling season. RV dealers from miles away bring their wares to these shows.

For the buyer, RV shows put everything you need to see and learn about under one roof, making it the ideal environment to conduct research and make informed RV buying decisions. I mentioned that RV dealers come from miles around – this includes local RV dealers from the area where you live. If possible, try to buy from an RV dealer within a reasonable distance from where you live. This makes it much easier to get service and warranty work done on the unit.

The most important concern is to only deal with a reputable RV dealership.

Even though I already have a motorhome, I still like going to RV shows to see the new models and to see what new gadgets there are available. Good deals on gadgets can be found at RV shows.

To read more, go here

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