Monday, August 23, 2021

Empty Kyoto Streets

Above, people gathered on the Kiyomizu-dera stage in pre-pandemic 2015. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The last time I was in Kyoto, Japan was six years ago. 

We took a bus tour of several attractions in the city including Kiyomizu-dera and Kinkaku-ji. There were crowds at every stop.

Today, Kyoto is basically a ghost town with few people roaming around.

News On Japan posted a video of Kyoto's deserted streets by Samuel Streetlift.

They begin with:

Have you ever been to Kyoto, Japan? Then you might remember how crowded it was and how you wished you could see the city without any tourists.

Well, this dream has now become a reality. - Samuel Streetlife

 To see the video, go here.

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