Wednesday, August 25, 2021

James Woods Nails His Fraudulency Biden

On Monday, His Fraudulency Joe Biden was honoring the Seattle Storm, the WNBA champions, and said the following incoherent ramble regarding Kamala Harris (bold text mine):

You know, I can say as much as I want — from the time my two daughters were born — that you can do anything a man can do.  It’s one thing for somebody to say that and keep pounding that in the head of your five granddaughters as well.  But guess what?  Until they see it, until they watch, it becomes real then. That’s why, by the way, she’s — and happens to be in Asia for me right now — but that’s why we have a female Vice President of United States of America who’s going to be — we’re going to have some presidents pretty soon.

Yesterday, actor James Woods fired back: 

Good, because we certainly don’t have one now.

For the full story, go here

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