Friday, August 13, 2021

Joe Biden Is The Cause of High Gas Prices

It is amazing that while lunatic His Fraudulency Joe Biden is destroying America's ability to produce energy, he is calling upon OPEC to increase oil production.

He is the direct cause of why gasoline prices are now soaring (note to the so-called fact-checkers).

From Fox News (some snippets):

Salena Zito, a political reporter at the Washington Examiner, said she was befuddled that President Joe Biden would call on OPEC to produce more oil while gas prices soar in the U.S.

Zito, who was a guest on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday, asked why the Biden administration was now sounding the alarm about fast-rising energy prices after the president "put his foot on the neck" of the oil and gas industry day one in office.

She said that the energy industry created jobs across the U. S., and called it "curious" that the Biden administration would ask OPEC to produce more oil while limiting its production in the U.S. 

Zito also noted that this was just the most recent example of Biden's history of harming the U.S. oil industry. 

"The energy industry, Joe Biden has put his foot on the next since day one and there is no exaggeration in that statement, from his executive orders on the Keystone Pipeline to halting and/or pausing production on federal lands with fracking in New Mexico and also oil production in Louisiana, he has impacted lives, American lives profoundly right there."

Remember, elections have consequences (especially rigged ones). Remove EVERY Democrat in next year's election!

To read the full article and see the Tucker Carlson video, go here

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