Monday, August 23, 2021

LA Times - Larry Elder “The Black Face Of White Supremacy”

Originally posted in The Federalist blog.

From My Mountain Bunker
I Voted for Larry

(Zero Hedge)  -  If you’re looking for proof positive that Larry Elder is making progress toward winning California’s recall election, look no further than the LA Times.

The paper published a column on Friday claiming that longtime conservative, Fox News contributor and syndicated talk radio host Elder “is the Black face of white supremacy”.

Columnist Erika D. Smith wrote: “Few things infuriate me more than watching a Black person use willful blindness and cherry-picked facts to make overly simplistic arguments that whitewash the complex problems that come along with being Black in America.”

Melina Abdullah, cofounder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, even chimed in: “He is a danger, a clear and present danger.”

Abdullah continued: “Anytime you put a Black face on white supremacy, which is what Larry Elder is, there are people who will utilize that as an opportunity to deny white supremacy. They say, ‘How could this be white supremacy? This is a Black man.’ But everything that he’s pushing, everything that he stands for, he is advancing white supremacy.”

More . . . .

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