Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Third COVID-19 Booster Challenged By Immunologists

For the past several days, I have been wondering about the "need" to get a third booster shot if one is already vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. I am one of them.

Apparently, I am not alone. Why is there a "need" for a booster? It is politics, my friend.

After the debacle of Afghanistan and other screw-ups by the Biden Administration, I wouldn't trust them on this. They plan to make the booster shots available starting September 20.

From Stat News (some snippets):

The Biden administration’s decision to start authorizing third doses of Covid-19 vaccine in September is being met with bafflement, concern, and even anger from a number of immunologists, vaccinologists, and people steeped in the normal way such decisions are made.

Many flat-out challenged the need for booster doses at this time. Others questioned the morality of administering third shots to Americans when most people on the planet haven’t received one. And some worried that a decision had been made before the Food and Drug Administration had ruled on the need for a booster or a key vaccine advisory committee had evaluated the data — typically the way vaccine policy is set.

Anna Durbin, a vaccines researcher at Johns Hopkins University, said the vaccines continue to be highly effective in preventing hospitalizations, severe infections, and deaths among most vaccinees.

That they may not work as well over time in preventing mild illnesses among those vaccinated isn’t necessarily a sign the vaccines are failing, said Durbin, who insisted that people are going to need to accept that fact. “We cannot keep [boosting] and say: ‘We’re going to prevent colds in everybody,’ ” she said.

The decision to boost so early in the country’s use of the vaccines isn’t science-based, in Durbin’s view. “I think there’s this tidal wave building that’s based on anxiety. And I don’t think it’s based on scientific evidence that a booster is needed.”

To read the full article, go here.

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