Friday, August 20, 2021

UK Parliament Holds Biden in Contempt for Afghanistan Withdrawal

In an unprecedented move on Wednesday, the United Kingdom's Parliament condemned His Fraudulency Joe Biden and held him in contempt over his handling of the withdrawl in Afghanistan.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:

The United Kingdom's Parliament on Wednesday held President Joe Biden in contempt for his withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, calling the move "catastrophic" and "shameful."

Members of Parliament, including some who served alongside U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, accused Biden of "throwing us and everybody else to the fire" with his decision to withdraw. They also attacked Biden for his "shameful" criticism of the Afghan National Army and said it was "dishonourable" to blame Afghanistan's fighting force for the Taliban's takeover.

"Those who have never fought for the colours they fly should be careful about criticising those who have," said Tom Tugendhat, a British Army veteran of the Afghanistan war and the Conservative chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Biden is one of only a few U.S. presidents who have not served in the military.

After the fall of Kabul to the Taliban, Biden said he stood "squarely behind" his decision to pull out, adding that "there was never a good time to withdraw U.S. forces." He blamed Afghanistan's president and military for the collapse of the country.

Do you think the British are pissed?

The time is now for Biden to resign!

To read more, go here

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