Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ultimate RV Packing List for First-Time Travelers/Campers

Above, The Beast at Lassen Volcanic National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One thing I find very convenient about RV travel is that I can keep the RV loaded with some clothing, supplies, canned foods and other items so that I can leave at a moment's notice. 

Others may have other ways of dealing with RV packing.

For first timers, EIN News has a list of packing suggestions that may prove to be useful.

They begin with:

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, August 11, 2021 / -- Yay, it’s your first RV travel, and you are pumped up about it. You have gotten your RV and have started packing for your road trip – that’s pretty cool. But, how do you know that you are packing everything you need for a satisfying road trip? Do you know what to bring along or what to drop at home? What about the kitchen utensils or the bathroom equipment – did you get the right one or are you forgetting anything?

Well, packing for your first RV travel can be exciting and overwhelming at once. You are confused about what to bring along and, at the same time, careful not to over-pack or under-pack for your RV travel. So, you come up with a grand plan of packing only the essentials. But how do you know the essentials to pack? That is where our article can help you out. To help you reduce the stress of over-thinking and over-packing, we have compiled a checklist of what you should bring along on every trip. So, let’s dive right into it.

To read their list, go here

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