Thursday, September 9, 2021

6 Tips of Travel Trailer Advice For Newbies

Above, at Lightner Creek Campground in Durango, Colorado. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Many people are jumping into the RV lifestyle for the first time. Some are buying motorhomes. Some are guying fifth wheels. Some are buying travel trailers.

Since everything is new to them, they need to learn about what to do. 

First off, they should have been given a detailed walkthrough at the dealership before driving it off the lot. One cannot emphasize the necessity of paying close attention on what the dealer technician is telling you. It is a good idea to video the walkthrough for future reference as I did when I bought my first motorhome.

But you'd be surprised at what the dealer doesn't tell you during the walkthrough. I found that out last year when a friend and I traveled to Colorado in his new travel trailer. It is his first RV. Don't be afraid to ask questions. You may save yourself a lot of anguish and headaches later on.

RV Life has posted six tips of travel trailer advice for newbies.

They begin it with:

So you’re the proud new owner of a travel trailer. You saved up, researched, and bought your new RV. Now what?

RVing is a great way to see places, meet people, and spend time with friends and family. Owning a travel trailer is not all campfires and hot showers though. There are things you need to know and responsibilities you must accept.

Here is some travel trailer advice for newbies out there.

To read more, go here

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