Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Back In Jamestown

Above, Adventure Comics No. 343. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a good night's sleep, I headed down to the post office at the Flying J to pick up my mail.

Two packages were waiting for me there. One was Adventure Comics No. 343 (cover date April 1966) and the other was a Willys Jeep sign for the guest bathroom.

Above, the Willys Jeep sign after mounting it on the bathroom wall. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I saw the cover of the comic book, I knew immediately that I didn't have it in my collection. And I know why. Although I regularly bought Adventure Comics during that time (it would have hit the newsstands in February 1966), I missed this issue as my maternal grandfather passed away in February. My parents and I were cleaning out his apartment during that time, so I couldn't get to the local store to get it.

After checking around for it online, I bought it last week. It arrived (along with the sign) while I was in Albuquerque.

Above, The Beast in the GOCO Beast Barn. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I just finished putting The Beast into the GOCO Beast Barn. I'll head back to the post office later to get today's mail.

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