Wednesday, September 8, 2021

CDC Abdicates Infectious Disease Role to Target Gun Owners

Over the years, trust in the federal government has diminished among the American people. Scandals, overstepping legal bounds and over-regulation are just some of the culprits for mistrust.

The latest (and it has been going on for a while) is the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), whose mission was to identify and fight infectious disease. They are now stepping into areas that were not intended to be under their purview.

Now, they are going after gun owners.

According to the NRA-ILA:

In the wake of its haphazard response to an actual infectious disease and waning credibility, one might expect the CDC to exhibit a modicum of humility. However, even with its pandemic mission incomplete, the CDC appears intent on wasting what's left of its diminished political capital to attack law-abiding gun owners.

In late August, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky granted CNN an interview to announce the agency's plans to target gun owners. Walensky said of firearms, "I swore to the President and to this country that I would protect your health. This is clearly one of those moments, one of those issues that is harming America's health."

Perhaps foreshadowing a CDC focus on gun confiscation orders, sometimes termed "Red Flag" or emergency risk protection orders, Walensky noted, "The firearm injury is probably the most distal part of what happens. It is the end event. What are the 10, 12, 15 things where we could have intervened before that singular event?"

Mirroring anti-gun organizations’ messaging playbooks, Walensky was careful to disguise her effort in palatable terminology. The director told CNN, "Generally, the word gun, for those who are worried about research in this area, is followed by the word control, and that's not what I want to do here... I'm not here about gun control. I'm here about preventing gun violence and gun death."

As with so much of the intellectually exhausted anti-gun campaign, longtime gun rights supporters have seen this all before.

Is there any wonder why people mistrust the federal government, especially when radical leftists are in control of it?

To read more, go here.

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