Saturday, September 25, 2021

First You Lose Your Guns, Then Your Freedoms

If one is wondering why supporters of the Second Amendment fight tooth & nail against any restrictive gun control laws put forward by radical leftist Democrats, just take a good hard look at what's happening in Australia right now.

From the Western Standard:

Armed citizens are a deterrent to politicians and bureaucrats hankering to subdue and control the masses, stripping them of basic freedoms.

The day the Aussies gave up their guns triggered the beginning of the end of their liberty.

Now the land Down Under is a full-blown police state. Proud, strong, free, productive Australia is gone. 

This harsh, bitter transformation should be a warning to nations still clinging to the God, guns, and freedoms the hard-core left deeply despises.

Aussies protesting totalitarian COVID-19 restrictions, the harshest in the free world, are fighting a seemingly hopeless battle for basic rights and freedoms by pelting rocks, bottles, golf balls, and batteries against heavily armed riot police.

To read the full article, go here

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