Thursday, September 23, 2021

Have You Checked Your Passport's Expiration Date Lately?

How much time do you have left on your passport until it expires?

The average person (who doesn't use their passport that much) likely doesn't know when it expires. I have to renew mine next year and have already noted when to start the process in my phone's calendar. It seems not that long ago that I renewed it, but it has been about nine years already. I last used it two years ago during my cruise to Havana, Cuba.

Above, yours truly at Havana's Plaza de la RevoluciĆ³n two years ago. Photo by Mitch Geriminsky.

Travel + Leisure has an article on how long the process takes to renew a U.S. passport.

They begin it with:

Before you even think about booking that bucket-list vacation, there's one thing you need to do right now: Double check the expiration date on your passport.

It's vital to make sure your travel documents are valid for at least six months past the dates of any planned international trips. Since passports are valid for up to 10 years, it's understandably easy to forget when exactly it needs to be renewed (especially if you don't use it all that often). This seemingly small detail could result in a travel disaster.

To read more, go here

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