Tuesday, September 7, 2021

JFK PT 109 Tie Clasp

Today, an item of political Americana I ordered arrived in the mail that will be included in my collection.

It is a JFK PT 109 tie clasp from the 1960 election campaign.

It is in good shape and the price was reasonable.

According to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum:

Perhaps most popular campaign item was the tie-clasp replicating the form of PT 109, the boat captained by JFK during the Second World War. In an effort to quell public concerns about what some called candidate Kennedy’s "inexperience", the Kennedy campaign sought to publicize his heroic service in the Navy. In addition to the tie clasps, thousands of booklets retelling the events of the sinking of PT 109 and Kennedy’s efforts to save his crew in the days that followed were mailed to hundreds of thousands of homes across the country. 

Here it is:

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