Sunday, September 12, 2021

RV Dealers Fed Up Over "Pathetic Quality" of New Units

Above, new RVs on display at the California RV Show. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, RVs have been seen as the safest mode of travel for social distancing. People are snapping up new units at a record pace. Manufacturers are struggling to build new units to meet the demand.

This appears to come at a price: quality control. Dealers are fed up over the "pathetic quality" of what manufacturers are producing.

According to RV Travel:

If you’re in the market to buy a new RV, you might want to wait a bit. RV dealers on a recent nationwide conference call said the quality of most recreational vehicles now being produced is “pathetic.”

“It’s some of the worst stuff I’ve seen in 30 years,” said one longtime RV dealer. “It’s horrendous inside and out. But we have no recourse but to put it on the lot and try to sell it. You take what you can get, and you move on.”

The dealer said he suspects many longtime RVers are delaying purchasing a new rig, since it’s no secret – at least on social media and many blogs – that new RV owners aren’t happy with their purchases. “The lack of quality and all of the negative comments in the chat rooms have to be holding people back from moving forward with a purchase.”

The East Coast dealer said RV manufacturers are “building them as fast as they can, and there just isn’t any quality control. Manufacturers are not doing a good job of taking care of their customers. It’s gone from bad to worse.”

To read more, go here

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