Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Vaccination Horror Stories

There's an old saying, "Everyone's different!"

That certainly holds true to many things in life to many people. And that definitely includes vaccinations for COVID-19 or any other disease. A vaccine may not even faze one person, but that same vaccine may cause death to someone else due to an adverse reaction.

Trib 24/7 posted comments from people replying to the question if anyone lost someone who was unvaccinated to the coronavirus. Instead, they received many responses from people whose loved ones  died due to the vaccines

They begin with:

An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.

Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, dying from adverse reactions to the vaccine.

To read the full story, go here

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