Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wisconsin Sure Has a Lot of 124-Year-Old Registered Voters

It is amazing that despite evidence to the contrary, the media denies that voter fraud was rampant during the 2020 election. That's why I shall always refer to Joe Biden as His Fraudulency instead of president.

A friend sent a story on the state of Wisconsin. It seems that they have a sizable population of 124-year-olds (among other things).

From For The Right News:

According to the internet, Ms. Thelma Sutcliffe of Nebraska is the oldest living supercentenarian in the United States. She was born in 1906 and she’ll turn 115 on Friday, October 1, 2021 (Lord willing). Thelma is 318 days older than the second-oldest American, Ms. Maude Harris of Florida. Maude’s birthday isn’t until next August. But the stupid internet is always getting facts wrong, as we know. For example, the internet age checkers missed the 8,550 people in Wisconsin who are all over the astonishing age of 124. We know that those people are all still alive because they voted in the 2020 election!

A grassroots voter integrity group calling itself Wisconsin HOT (Honest Open & Transparent) has just submitted a demand for the entire Wisconsin Election Commission, the City Clerk of Racine, the Clerk of Rock County and the entire Wisconsin Board of Commissioners to resign immediately. The reason? The obvious, blatant fraud that took place in the 2020 election, which these officials have neglected to investigate.

The irregularities don't stop there. Here's a list of others:

  • 8,550 voters first registered to vote in Wisconsin in 1918.
  • 23,266 voters were all registered with the same Wisconsin phone number. 
  • In Rock County, 900 voters were registered at the same address.
  • 543,000 voters in Wisconsin have no officially recorded date of registration.

To read more, go here.

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