Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Biden's Poll Plunge Reflects His Incompetency

Above, Biden during the Afghanistan debacle. 

His Fraudulency Joe Biden is seeing the biggest plunge in job approval ratings of any president since 1945.

This is, of course, not a surprise to me. Starting with the election, Biden is sitting in the White House under highly questionable circumstances, i.e., election fraud.

According to Fox News:

Former President Trump suffered from negative poll numbers during his four-year tenure in the White House, and now his successor is suffering the same fate, with a new national poll indicating that President Biden's standing among Americans remains well underwater.

Just 37% of Americans questioned in a Quinnipiac University survey say they approve of the job Biden’s doing as president, with 52% giving him a thumbs-down. The poll was conducted Oct. 15-18 and released Tuesday.

Adding to Biden's political peril, just 28% of registered independents give the president a thumbs-up on his job performance, while 56% do not. The Quinnipiac survey indicated that Republicans, by a 95%-3% margin, disapproved of how the president’s handling his duties in the White House, with Democrats approving 80%-11%.

Polling aside, his job performance has been a total disaster since day one (January 20) and people are clearly seeing it.

On energy, he immediately killed the Keystone Pipeline and put a moratorium on new drilling. We were either at energy independence or damn near close to it. Now, oil companies have to rely again on foreign oil. Gasoline prices have shot up with no end in sight. He has no solutions.

On border security, he stopped construction of the wall. He is basically allowing people to flow into the country unchecked. 

On Afghanistan, his pullout is a total disaster with possibly 400 Americans stranded, billions of weaponry are now in the Taliban's hands and killings of Afghans (including a female athlete who was beheaded, whose only crime was being an athlete) and so on.

The economy is in tatters. Inflation has exploded. The supply-chain is a gummed up mess.

I can go on. But you get the point. It seems he is purposely trying to destroy this country. People even have serious doubts he's actually in charge. Biden and the Democrat Party are trying to turn America into a socialist totalitarian state.

Biden has been an idiot throughout his entire career. He is obviously senile and can't even express a coherent paragraph. Contrast his blabberings with William Shatner's comments following his space flight. Shatner was more lucid at age 90 than Biden is at age 78. It is a frightening thing to see.

Plain and simple, he's incompetent.

During the Afghanistan debacle, I called for his resignation or impeachment. I still hold to that. 

Too bad, in this instance, we don't have a parliamentary system where he can be removed by a vote of no-confidence. 

This is why the poll numbers are not surprising. Actually, I believe his low approval numbers are even worse than what the polls are showing.

The United States is turning into a bigger version of Venezuela.

To read more, go here.

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