Sunday, October 10, 2021

Cattle, Tarantula On A Restful Sunday

Above, cattle grazing in a field two doors north of my place. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today was mostly a restful one.

Since tonight's temperature is expected drop down to freezing (32 degrees), I plugged in The Beast in the GOCO Beast Barn so that I could run the holding tank heaters. I also have a space heater to warm up the undercarriage near the holding tanks.

After that was done, I grabbed an Alien Amber Ale and relaxed on the deck. While there, I noticed cows walking just beyond a neighbor's property two doors north. I took some pictures from the deck and then took a walk down the road to get a little better vantage point.

Above, a view of the cattle (above the truck) from my deck. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After that, I returned to the deck to finish my ale.

Above, Mr. Spider looking for a mate on my deck. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Then, not too long later, I looked down from my chair and saw a New Mexico tarantula walking on the deck. Right now, it is mating season for tarantulas and the males are out looking for females. 

So, besides being a relaxing day, it was an interesting one as well.

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