Monday, October 11, 2021

Gov. MLG Pays $87.5K More In Hush Money To Groping Victim

Above, posted by the New Mexico Republican Party.

A normal person, when being accused of sexual misconduct (in this case, groping), would fight tooth & nail against such allegations.

Is this how New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham responded? Nope. She paid thousands in campaign money (aren't her donors just a little bit pissed?) to the accuser. 

Now, word is out she paid thousands more in "settlement" money.

The PiƱon Post reported:

On Monday, it was reported that alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham had paid her ex-staffer, James Hallinan, an extra $87,500 more after Hallinan alleged the then-candidate for governor poured water over his crotch and then groped him. She expended these funds from her gubernatorial campaign, making her donors fork over the hush money.

The Governor previously gave Hallinan $62,500, making the total amount of the settlement to the alleged groping victim around $150,000. 

According to Lujan Grisham’s campaign spokeswoman Kendall Witmer, the payments were part of a settlement that “resolved suspect and varied claims made by Mr. Hallinan, including his search for employment and clients following his tumultuous tenure on the 2018 campaign.” 

To shell out this much money would lead any reasonable person to conclude the allegations must be true.

Settlement money? Yeah, right. I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you! The B.S. meter is off the scale!

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned over similar allegations. Gov. Lujan Grisham should follow in his footsteps and do the same.

To read more, go here

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