Thursday, October 7, 2021

History of Japanese Castles

Above, Osaka Castle. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since tourism travel to Japan is out of the question at present, now may be a good time to bone up on Japanese history and get some ideas on places to visit when tourism is finally allowed again.

Jobs In Japan has posted an article on the history of Japanese castles that one may find interesting.

According to the article, some castles are the "real deal", while others are reproductions made of modern materials (concrete) after the originals were destroyed for one reason or another. Some were specifically targeted for bombing during World War II. The article will tell why.

They begin with:

Japanese castles are must-see monuments when visiting Japan. Contemplating them will make you appreciate the originality and complexity of each one of them and be able to know the history of the Japanese country. Unlike European castles, Japanese castles were not built to be used as dwellings, but were mostly fortifications.

To read the full article, go here

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