Friday, October 8, 2021

It's My Choice

Above, at the Rockwood Station of the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad last year. Photo by Mitch Geriminsky.

When it was announced that booster shots for vaccinated people against COVID-19 would be made available, I was on the fence on whether or not I would get it. I was slightly leaning against getting it. I received the Pfizer vaccine. It's my choice. 

But, when our post office mistress Janice Casamero passed away recently from it, I changed my mind. It's my choice.

There are some anti-vaccination folk out there, with varying reasons. I don't criticize them for their stance. I am opposed to forced vaccination mandates on people. That's government infringement on people's freedom of choice. To force someone to get a vaccination or be prevented to hold a job is totally wrong. A weekly COVID-19 test is a reasonable alternative, in my view.

So, I will be getting the booster following the upcoming Lost Dutchman clampout. 

It's my choice.

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