Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Japan Travel Plans Offered To The Vaccinated

Above, foreign visitors can visit Godzilla again soon, provided they got jabbed. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Tourism to Japan is slowly creeping open to foreign visitors.

Several travel agencies are tailoring travel plans for visitors to Japan, but there's a hitch: they have to be vaccinated.

According to an article in The Japan News (Yomiuri Shimbun):

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — An increasing number of travel agencies and other businesses in Japan are adopting tourism plans targeted at those who have been fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus.

In order to recover from the coronavirus crisis, companies are looking to meet demand while ensuring safe trips for customers by creating exclusive tours, distributing vouchers at lodging facilities and preparing special train services for people who have been vaccinated.

Travel agency Club Tourism International Inc. will begin offering tours later this month to people who complete their vaccinations no later than 14 days before departure.

An official at Club Tourism said that many reservations were coming in, thanks to the lifting of the state of emergency and pre-emergency measures at the end of September.

To read the full article, go here

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