Friday, October 22, 2021

Little-Known Facts About RVs

Above, The Beast at Crazy Horse Campgrounds at Lake Havasu last weekend. Photo by Armand Vaquer

Thinking about taking "the plunge" and getting an RV?

If so, you're not the only one as many others have joined the ranks of "RV lifestyle" enthusiasts.

AOL has posted an article on little-know facts about RVs that's an interesting read.

They begin it with:

Even pre-pandemic, the RV industry was experiencing consistent growth. In the eight years leading up to 2017, sales expanded each year. What’s more, according to a 2019 economic study from the RV Industry Association, the recreational vehicle industry has hit a staggering $114 billion total economic impact in the U.S. annually, from RV sales to industry jobs to campgrounds and travel.

While many industries slowed or stagnant growth, the RV industry was the opposite. According to the Fall 2021 RV Industry Association Report, shipments are expected to reach an all-time high in 2021 with even greater gains in 2022, when a projected 600,000 units are expected to be sold.

Here’s a closer look at some of the little-known, colorful, or otherwise intriguing facts about the RV industry, culled from industry reports, association websites, and statistics research.

To read more, go here

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