Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Pennsylvania House Democrat Introduces Forced Sterilization

The Looney Left Report

It has been a while since my last Looney Left Report (not that they've done nothing insane to warrant one), so I couldn't pass this one up when I received an email about it.

Remember when China had a two-child policy? Well, this one at least allows three before forced sterilization (ain't that nice?). The left wing of the Democrat Party is really showing its true colors. Anyone voting for any of these loons needs to have their head examined.

From the Gateway Pundit:

Pennsylvania Democrat Christopher M. Rabb sent out a memorandum to all House members regarding his legislation that will enforce reproductive responsibility among men.  The bill will force men to undergo vasectomies within 6 weeks from having their third child or their 40th birthday, whichever comes first.

This legislation includes a $10,000 reward to whoever snitches to the proper authority on those who have failed to submit to forced sterilization within the allotted time.

This bill will also include legal actions for unwanted pregnancies against inseminators who wrongfully conceive a child with them.

PA State Rep. David Rowe posted on his Facebook account regarding this horrendous bill:

If there was any doubt that today’s progressive left have utterly and completely disregarded your personal medical freedom, then let this be the nail in the coffin.

The left is pushing to make America a godless, communist country like their big boss China. 

To read more, go here

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