Tuesday, October 19, 2021

ECV Plaque Dedication At Tyson's Stage Stop

Above, the plaque after unveiling. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Along with most clampouts, there are also plaque dedications.

Usually, the plaque dedications are reasonably close to where the Clamper encampments are. The plaque dedications are to memorialize people and places in history.

Such was the case last weekend when the Lost Dutchman Chapter No. 5917 + 4 headed to Quartzsite, Arizona.

The plaque dedication took place Saturday at Tyson's Stage Stop, now a museum.

Along with the Clampers, members of the historical society also attended the dedication. Following the dedication ceremonies, refreshments were served (along with a big cake). Clampers also toured inside the museum. 

For details on Tyson's Stage Stop (Fort Tyson), well, read the plaque (above).

Some photos of the dedication and inside the museum: 

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