Sunday, October 10, 2021

RV Travel: Are RVers Responsible For Poor Quality RVs?

Above, The Beast on the dealer's lot.

One of the things new RV owners are finding out is that quite often new units sold have a myriad of problems due to shoddy workmanship. I was lucky. I only had one first-year problem, a glued shut roof vent that was repaired under warranty.

Obviously, the blame goes to the manufacturer for shoddy workmanship and the dealer for not catching any problems (or catching them and not saying anything) before making the sale. 

A new article in RV Travel lays some blame on buyers.

They start it with:

Over the years we’ve heard from countless frustrated RVers. The story goes something like, “I bought a brand-new RV and hardly got to use it the first year. It spent most of the time getting repairs made, right from the start!” The rants about nearly every RV manufacturer are myriad. Yes, even RV dealers admit the quality of RVs they’re selling is often lousy, and they point the finger back at the manufacturers. But hang on, are RVers responsible, in part, for the junk being dumped on the market today?

To read more, go here

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