Thursday, October 21, 2021

T + L: Is Flying First Class Worth It?

Above, yours truly tying out an All Nippon Airways Business Class seat at a travel show.

After the long-haul flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo in 2015 aboard a cramped (with poor legroom) Economy seat, I have been considering getting either a Business Class or First Class ticket for the next time I fly to Japan (whenever that will be). I have never flown First or Business Class.

Concerning First Class seating, Travel + Leisure asks, Is Flying First Class Worth It? Good question. They delve into First Class seating of various airlines along with photographs of different airline configurations.

They begin with:

Every time you board a plane, there they are: the flight's first-class passengers. While you were at the gate waiting for your group number to be called (and likely stressing about nabbing space in the overhead compartment), they were getting settled into their extra-large seats with dedicated carry-on space. And as you sulk past them toward your narrow seat in the back of the plane, they snuggle in under a complimentary blanket and sip Champagne.

That, you tell yourself, is what flying should be like.

But is the extra space and next-level service worth the pricey ticket? To explore that very question, we've pulled together what it looks like to fly first class on various U.S. airlines, how flying first class is different from business class and economy, and how the benefits change (in some cases, dramatically) when you book first class on a long-haul international flight.

To read more, go here

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