Monday, November 15, 2021

8 Reasons To Avoid Storing An RV Outside In The Winter

Above, the GOCO Beast Barn and Barking Spider Acre. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Winter is just around the corner. 

In some areas, like mine in New Mexico, autumn season is like winter as nighttime temperatures often drop down below freezing. Sometimes, we get autumn snowstorms. I didn't have to worry about wintery temperatures when I lived in Los Angeles.

Thankfully, I have an RV garage (the GOCO Beast Barn) that keeps my Class C Winnebago nice and dry as well as protected from the elements. To help combat freezing temperatures, I run space heaters inside the garage and inside the coach as well as holding tank heaters and pour anti-freeze into the tanks and pipe lines.

RV Life has an article with sight reasons why RVs should not be stored out in the open during winter. 

They begin it with:

Proper winter storage is essential to extending the lifespan of your RV. Storing an RV outside in the winter may be cheaper than paying for a storage unit, but it brings a lot of risks as well. This practice could cause long-term damage to your RV if you’re not careful, so sometimes it’s best to avoid it altogether. 

Storing an RV outside in the winter can lead to burst pipes, structural damage from snow, broken windows, water damage, trapped vehicles, pests living in or under the vehicle, damaged tires, and additional costs for winterizing gear. It’s often safer to pay for winter storage instead.

Some people are fine with storing their RVs outside during the cold months, but it’s not the best solution for everyone. Temperature-regulated storage options are the easiest and safest way to store your RV, but they can sometimes be expensive. If you’re worried about the potential risks of outdoor storage, read below for some more information as well as potential ways to combat them.

 To read more, go here.

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