Tuesday, November 9, 2021

AmmoLand: The American-Communist’s Gun Confiscation Bill

The Democrats are hell-bent on taking away our Second Amendment rights and have introduced a bill that will federalize so-called "red-flag laws".

Writer Dan Wos explains the dangers of H.R. 2377 in a video and article in AmmoLand.

According to the article: 

H.R.2377 otherwise known as the “Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2021” has been written by the Biden Administration and the Attorney General and introduced into Congress on April 8th, 2021 by Democrat Representative Lucy McBath with 114 co-sponsors (all Democrats).

Should this bill be signed into law, it would give practically anyone the ability to petition the court and have guns taken away from others.

The ability to petition the court is granted to any family or household members, roommates of the respondent, (including former household members), and law-enforcement officers. All the petitioner has to do is submit an affidavit accusing the respondent of posing a risk of imminent personal injury to himself or herself or another individual by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition.

Just a simple accusation is all that’s necessary to enact an ex parte gun confiscation. Ex parte allows one party to make an accusation and law enforcement to execute a gun confiscation without granting the accused the right to respond.

We can imagine how destructive this would be should it be used as a tool for revenge by ex-spouses, former roommates, and angry former boyfriends/girlfriends. There is also the concern that this law would be used as a tool to disarm and render helpless an abused person in a relationship.

If H.R.2377 becomes law, all gun owners will be subjected to the risk of their guns being confiscated from their homes without due process.

I was subjected to a California red-flag law five years ago by a vindictive ex. I was able to get all my guns back, but it was a hassle.

To read more and see the video, go here.

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