Thursday, November 4, 2021

Basic RV Etiquette

Above, Marin RV Park in Greenbrae, California. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

As in all things in life, there's good, courteous people and then there's some schlubs in the RV travel world.

Thankfully, there are more in the the former category than in the latter one. When people are packed in RV parks like sardines, having thoughtful people around makes things more pleasant.

RV Travel has an article on basic RV etiquette that isn't always talked about.

They start it off with:

We all learned the “magic words” as a kid. Do you want a piece of pie? What are the magic words? “Please” and “thank you.” “Magic words” and other proper manners were taught to most of us as we grew up. In the spirit of “never stop learning new things,” I recently learned a few rules of etiquette about RVing that I hadn’t known before. Here they are. (Please. Add to my list. Thank you!)

 To see what they are, go here.

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