Friday, November 19, 2021

Biden's Marxist Banking Nominee

Above, Saule Omarova facing senate questioning. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs photo.

Where the hell does Biden find these people?

His nominee for Comptroller of the Currency is a full-blown Marxist who wants to end banking as we know it and have all deposits by citizens controlled by the federal government.

It is obvious that the Democrat Party is infested with communists. Jack Kennedy would never recognize his party if he came back today.

From Fox News:

President Biden's nominee to run the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) may face trouble making it out of the Senate Banking Committee as Republicans target her nomination as the next potential Biden pick to block. 

That nominee is Saule Omarova, a Cornell Law School professor who has a history in private law practice and who worked in the Treasury Department under former President George W. Bush. She also has a history writing about Marxism, calling the banking industry she would regulate in her potential new job the "quintessential a------ industry," and calling for an end to banking "as we know it," by "the complete migration of demand deposit accounts to the Federal Reserve." 

Demand deposit accounts are the standard checking and savings accounts most Americans have with private banks. 

"It’s not every day that we’re presented with a nomination for a Lenin scholarship recipient who attended the Moscow State University and wants to end banking as we know it in the United States," Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., told Fox News Monday. "If her nomination advances out of the Banking Committee, it will be an easy ‘no’ vote from me. And as we’ve seen with other flawed nominations from the Biden administration, I think hers would face a similarly uphill battle in the Senate."

To read more, go here

Rumble posted:

Rumble — Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) to Biden's Comptroller of the Currency nominee: "I don't have any questions for you because there's nothing you can say today to undo what you've said for years, including this year."

Check out this video, it is quite telling:


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