Monday, November 29, 2021

Got Stuff Done

Above, The Beast in the GOCO Beast Barn and plugged in. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today, I got everything done that I needed to do.

First, I headed to the post office down at the Flying J to pick up my mail.

After that, I prepped The Beast for its winter storage by emptying the hot water heater and any remaining water in the water tank. Then, I put some anti-freeze into the drains to make sure any water in the lines and traps doesn't freeze during freezing temperatures.

Above, the mini-bike's noise didn't bother the neighbor's bull
 when I rode in Barking Spider Acre. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After that was done, I put The Beast into the GOCO Beast Barn and plugged into the power supply.

Later, I fired up the Jeep to keep the battery charged. I am waiting for the Mustang to be repaired for its starting issues. Once that's done, I'll have the Jeep brought in to get the brakes fixed.

When I finished with starting the Jeep, I rode around on the mini-bike. 

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