Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Infrastructure Bill Expected To Benefit National Park System

Above, the Grand Canyon's antiquated water system could be finally replaced. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Let me just say at the outset that I am totally against the $1.2 trillion (that's trillion with a "T") that the Democrats and a few RINO Republicans passed in congress and His Fraudulency Joe Biden signed. 

We already have runaway inflation and spending $1.2 trillion in money we don't have (it is essentially printing press money) will only make inflation much worse.

Since it has passed, some of it is earmarked for the national parks system for projects and maintenance that has been languishing for years. 

According to National Parks Traveler:

National parks across the country have no shortage of infrastructure needs that could be tackled with funding from infrastructure legislation signed into law by President Biden.

According to the National Parks Conservation Association, there are numerous park and regional needs that could be met with some of the $1.7 billion the National Park Service expects to receive from the infrastructure package.

"Spread out over five years, the investments will improve roads and bridges, modernize transportation systems, support climate adaptations, and better protect wildlife and motorists, among other crucial projects," the advocacy group said. "The Park Service manages more than 12,600 miles of roads, over 1,440 bridges and 127 transit systems. Nearly 40 percent of park roads need repair, including Blue Ridge Parkway and roadways within Mojave National Preserve, deteriorating bridges at Great Smoky Mountains and flood-damaged roads at Harpers Ferry."

To read more, to here

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