Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Metropolis Five Years Ago

Above, The Beast at the Superman statue in Metropolis, Illinois. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is hard to believe that it was five years ago today that I reached Metropolis, Illinois to attend the memorial service/celebration of life for Noel Neill.

This was the longest trip to date (and it still holds that record for me) I have taken anywhere. It totaled three weeks long. I drove from L.A. to Metropolis in The Beast and it was this trip that I became enchanted with the Gallup, New Mexico area. I returned a year later and ended up buying my ranchette.

From Metropolis, I headed down to Memphis, Tennessee to visit Graceland and Sun Studio and then back to Illinois to see the Lincoln attractions.

From there, I went to Topeka, Kansas and met with Greg Smith and then to Abilene, Kansas to see the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library.

After that, I went to Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon before heading back home.

That was quite a trip.

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