Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Pfizer Hid From Public The Number of Deaths In COVID Clinical Trials

Back in February, I got the Pfizer vaccine (two separate shots).

Last month, I got the Pfizer booster shot.

Each were my choice and not from any government pressure. And, each time, the only reaction I had was soreness at the injection sites (I switched arms in February).

Well, there were some who were not so lucky and it was announced by Pfizer that only 15 people died during the clinical trials.

That wasn't the truth. The actual number of deaths were a little higher.

From The Gateway Pundit:

Pfizer lied about the number of individuals who died during thir COVID vaccine trials.

The actual number of deaths during the clinical trials was 21 not 16 as was originally reported.

This was four more deaths than the clinical trials control group.

So Pfizer lied about their deadly trials and just reported their greatest earnings ever.

When do the arrests start?

To read more, go here

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