Saturday, November 20, 2021

Reuters: Rittenhouse Verdict Reignites Polarized U.S. Gun Debate

Is it okay for people to go across state lines and riot in places to cause damage, mayhem and injury (and deaths) to the people there? How about the rioters who pointed guns at Kyle Rittenhouse? 

The mainstream media totally ignores this and focuses instead on guns. 

Case in point...

From Reuters:

Nov 19 (Reuters) - Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal on murder charges on Friday opened yet another front in America's longstanding fight over gun rights: Is it acceptable for a teenager to bring an assault-style rifle to a protest?

Conservatives hailed Rittenhouse as a hero for exercising his right to self-defense when he fatally shot two demonstrators and wounded a third who he said attacked him last year at a racial justice protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Gun control advocates warned the jury's verdict could inspire a new wave of armed vigilantism, after Rittenhouse - armed with an AR-15-style rifle - traveled in August 2020 from his Illinois home to Kenosha after demonstrations erupted following the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake.

Guns have long been a potent political issue in the United States, where permissive laws have led to the highest rate of civilian firearm ownership in the world. Mass shootings, which are far more rare in other wealthy nations, have plagued the country for decades.

The verdict yesterday was a statement that self-defense is still alive in the United States. Everything Rittenhouse did was legal. 

To read more, go here.

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