Sunday, November 21, 2021

Russia Hits Record Coronavirus Deaths For Second Straight Day

Above, St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo by Asya.

News on coronavirus-related deaths coming from Russia through the Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a little on the contradictory side.

While new infections are down, deaths are on the rise.

According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser:

MOSCOW >> Russia’s record high coronavirus-related death toll persisted for a second straight day today, as the number of new infections declined.

The state coronavirus task force reported 1,254 COVID-19 deaths, matching Friday’s tally.

The task force also reported 37,120 new confirmed cases. The daily new infections in recent weeks appear to have a downward trend but still remain higher than during previous surges of the virus.

The latest surge in deaths comes amid low vaccination rates and lax public attitudes in Russia toward taking precautions. About 40% of Russia’s nearly 146 million people have been fully vaccinated, even though the country approved a domestically developed COVID-19 vaccine — Sputnik V — months before most of the world.

To read more, go here

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