Saturday, November 6, 2021

RV Travel Agent

Above, do-it-yourselfers like me use materials from the Auto Club and other sources. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Have you ever heard of an RV travel agent?

Nope, me neither.  But that is what a new article in RV Travel talks about.

Frankly, I prefer to do my own travel planning. I've done plenty of it over the years and I also have a good time doing so.

The article starts off with:

It was one of those “Why didn’t I think of that!” moments. I came across a post online about a guy who “loves planning RV trips.” From planning the route to reserving the RV sites to suggesting fun things to see and do all along the way, Doug Setzer just might be your guy! Like a travel agent for other types of travel experiences, Doug specializes in planning trips for RVers.

To read more, go here

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