Saturday, November 27, 2021

RV Travel: How The Omicron Variant May Affect RVers

Above, The Beast at Crazy Horse Campground in Lake Havasu. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It's panic stations time. At least that's likely the case with the media and politicians who "would not want a good crisis go to waste" to impose restrictions on everybody. This is based on their past behavior.

The new corona variant, Omicron, originating in South Africa, is "worrying" scientists.  

It may have a positive impact on the RV industry, though.

According to Chuck Woodbury in RV Travel:

Just when we think we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of the pandemic, we may instead be seeing the headlight of an approaching freight train. 

Did you read the news yesterday (Friday) that a new coronavirus variant, dubbed Omicron, has been discovered in South Africa, and is already spreading? It’s been detected in Hong Kong and Belgium, and it won’t stop there. The variant has about double the amount of mutations as the Delta variant, and may even be resistant to current vaccines. Most health experts are worried.

I believe we will soon see new travel restrictions to and from counties around the world. It’s already started. Anyone in the international travel business must be terribly disheartened, their hopes dashed of a return to normalcy.

So what does this mean for you and me?

It means the explosive popularity of RVing is not about to end soon, with another projected 600,000 new RVs to hit the market in 2022. RVing has been, and still is, the safest way to travel. Last month, RV manufacturers set an all-time record with 57,971 shipments. I’ll take a very wild guess and say that in the same month only a thousand new campsites were added (if that).

It’s about to get even more crowded out there in Camperland…

To read more, go here

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