Thursday, November 25, 2021

Support For More Gun Control Drops

This really isn't all that much of a surprise, given that the Democrats have been trying to defund/disband police departments, hamstringing police and allowing rioters to destroy businesses and cause injuries over the past couple of years. Naturally, people will buy guns to defend themselves as a result.

RealClear Politics posted:

According to a new Gallup poll, support for stricter gun control has fallen by 15 percentage points in just the last five years. But, despite the drop being driven by independents’ changing views, Democrats aren’t likely to rethink their support for more gun control. The partisan divide on this issue has never been so large — 91% of Democrats and only 24% of Republicans support stricter laws.

While Democrats claim they want “reasonable” or “common sense” laws, you get an idea of how stark the partisan differences are by considering the response to Gallup’s question about whether people support a complete ban on civilian ownership of handguns: 40% of Democrats like the idea compared to only 6% of Republicans.

The recent election results in Virginia and New Jersey show Democrats are in real trouble with rural, working-class voters. Some pundits put part of the blame on the party’s constant push for gun control.

To read more, go here

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