Sunday, November 21, 2021

Video: Things To Do In Kyoto

Above, a gate at Nijo Castle. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Kyoto, Japan is one of those "must-see" places in Japan for foreign visitors. Anyone who is remotely interested in Japanese culture should visit the city at least once. I've been there twice.

Kyoto is much more laid-back than Tokyo and not as crowded when one is away from the tourist sites.  Even then, the experience is still a pleasant one. 

News On Japan posted a video on "Things To Do In Kyoto" that is worth a viewing.

The post starts with:

There are so many incredible things to do in Kyoto—you can visit golden temples and vermillion shrines, stroll through Zen rock gardens and swaying bamboo forests, slurp down bowls of ramen and participate in graceful tea ceremonies.

It’s one of the only places you can still glimpse geisha in extravagant kimono and white makeup rushing to appointments in wooden teahouses. Monks still live and work in the city’s 2000 temples and shrines—you’ll see them in flowing robes performing ceremonies and hear the chanting.

To view the video, go here

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