Friday, November 12, 2021

Wine Enthusiast Magazine

Above, the December 2021 issue of Wine Enthusiast. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Count Dracula never! But I do.

For over 40 years, I have been a fan of wines. I got started in the late 1970s with trips up to Napa Valley in California to visit and tour wineries, and that includes sampling wines at each.

Usually, I would bring home 2-4 boxes of wines from different wineries. As I was going to college at the time and living at home with my parents, my mom and I would indulge in some of the wines I brought home. My dad was usually out bowling.

New Mexico, the state where I live, has its own wine region. I hope to hit the road in the motorhome and check out New Mexico wineries. I was going to do so last summer, but restrictions and mandates related to the pandemic nixed those plans. 

These days, I keep a set of RV wine glasses. Glass wine glasses are too prone to breakage and the RV wine glasses are plastic and can withstand rough roads.

Since I have been a wine fan, when an offer for a subscription to Wine Enthusiast magazine came my way, I jumped on it.

Along with their reviews of different wines and articles on various wineries around the world and the people who run them, my favorite feature are the food recipes and what wines go best with them.

If one reading this is a wine fan (or enthusiast), I recommend Wine Enthusiast magazine.

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