Sunday, December 26, 2021

Best Electric Heaters For RV Camping

Above, the temperatures got down into the 20s at Deer Creek Valley RV Park in Topeka,
 Kansas, prompting me to purchase an electric space heater. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Back in 2016, I camped for a few days in Topeka, Kansas while waiting for a money transfer at my bank. While there, the nighttime temperatures dropped down into the 20s. I was using my built-in propane heater in my motorhome, but that wasn't cost effective. I needed an electric heater to help save propane.

Luckily, a Walmart was nearby and I went over there to pick up an electric space heater. I bought a ceramic electric space heater and it fit my needs perfectly. I still use it to this day.

Above, the electric space heater I bought in Topeka, Kansas. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The topic of what is the best electric heater for RV camping has been posted at Do It Yourself RV

They start it off with:

“What is the best electric heater for RV camping?” This is a question many RVers ask when cold weather rolls around each year. After all, why spend money on propane to operate your propane furnace if you have shore power (120 VAC) available to operate an electric heater?

If you search online for “best electric heater for RV” you will find a nearly endless list of comparisons, reviews, and debates on electric heaters. The problem is, you don’t need to know the absolutely best electric heater for RV use, you need to know the best choice of electric heater for the way you use your RV.

Let’s look at the different types of electric heaters and features to determine which ones fit your needs.

To read more, go here

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