Sunday, December 5, 2021

California Legislation To Ban Motorhome and Portable Generators Introduced

The Looney Left Report

As sure as the Earth rotates, the lunatic control-freak Democrats who control the California legislature come up with more crazy laws to hamper the lifestyles of the state's residents and, presumably, RV visitors.

The latest is that a bill has been introduced in the State Assembly that would ban motorhome and portable generators. It has been passed by the legislature and is awaiting Gov. Newsom's signature.

I kid you not!

From RV Travel:

A seemingly innocuous air pollution proposal before the California Legislature could ban the sale of portable generators in the state, and have a crippling effect on RVers who rely on them to power their rigs when shore power is not available.

According to definition of the proposal, the bill would ban the use of generators installed in most motorhomes and other motorized RVs. RVers who travel with trailers and fifth wheels would be unable to use portable generators.

Assembly Bill 1346 would compel the California Air Resources Board to adopt regulations by July 1, 2022, to prohibit emissions from all small off-road engine engines (SORE) including portable generators. While it may be intended to promote the use of battery-operated lawn and garden equipment, it will also result in banning the sale of portable generators in the state as soon as 2024.

 Thank God I had the foresight to move out of Commiefornia!

To read more, go here.

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